CLOSE_Kola Peninsula, Khibiny mountains, 10 days

Price: 1450 €
Period: February-April
Activity: Ski Tour
Video: Pekola! Kola peninsula ski

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day day's programme night meals
1 Arrival in St.Petersburg. Transfert to hotel. Night in Rus' hotel. Hotel  
2 Breakfast. Boarding on the train St.Petersburg-Apatity, in a bed-van. Overnight train. Train BLD
3 Arrival to the Apatity station. Bus transfer 40 min, then with snowscooters through Kukisvumchor pass to Kuni'iok valley to Kuelpor hut or Ramzay hotel 275m. Luggage is transported with sledges. Night in hut or hotel. Hut BLD
4 Ski tour over mt.Marchenko 1020m and then over mt.Kaskasniunchorr 1180m. Back to the hut. Night in hut or hotel. Fullboard. Hut BLD
5 Ski tour over the North Chorgorr pass 1080m with ascent/descent to plateau of Putelichor or Indychvumchor 1165m. Night in hut or hotel. Fullboard. Hut BLD
6 A day ski climb from the South over mt.Rischor 1185m descent to the North to the pass Umba, then ski climb back to the mt.Rischor along the North ridge and descent along the West couloir. Night in hut or hotel. Fullboard. Hut BLD
7 Ski ascent/descent mt. Putellichorr 1165m. The best ski-descent. Back to the hut. Night in hut or hotel. Fullboard. Hut BLD
8 Ski ascent/descent to the highest top of Khibiny mt.Chasnochor 1191m. Night in hut or hotel. Fullboard. Hut BLD
9 Ski tour Kuelpor hut Petrelius pass-gorge Ramzai-Vudiavre lake. Bus to Murmansk. Night in Arktika hotel. Fullboard (luggage from Kuelpor hut to Kirovsk by snowscooter).
Hotel BLD

Breakfast. Flight Murmansk-St.Petersburg with Pulkovo aircraft (dep. 08:40, arr. 10:20). Transfer to the airport Pulkovo2, departure flight from St.Petersburg.


Quotation includes:

  • All necessary transfers required for carrying out the trip for the whole group;
  • Snow scooters with sledges Kirovsk – Kuelpor hut – Kirovsk;
  • Train St.Petersburg-Apatity (compartment for 4 persons);
  • Plane Murmansk-St.Petersburg;
  • Accommodation at hotel “Rus” in St.Petersburg, 1 night;
  • Accommodation at the Kuelpor hut or hotel Ramzay room per 6 or double, 6 nights;
  • Meals in according with the program;
  • NewRoute mountain guide;
  • Necessary formality (Visa support invitation, passport registration)

Not included:

  • International flight to St.Petersburg and back;
  • Extra luggage on domestic flight, more than 20 kg;
  • Unexpected preliminary evacuation cost;
  • An insurance;
  • Personal expenses, alcohol;
  • Visa costs

See also:

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