Altay, Ukok Plateau – Teletskoye Lake, 11days

Price: by request €
Period: June-August
Activity: Expedition, Trekking

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day day's programme night meals

Arrival in Barnaul. Meeting in airport or railway station. Transfer under two passes (Seminskiy and Chike-Taman) to the Kochevnik base camp in Chuskaya steppe situated. Accommodation in the national yurts – Ail. National Russian wet sauna – banya.
Duration of the passages is 12-13 hours, 750 km.



2 Kochevnik base camp - Aktash village (frontier post. Passport formality) – Kosh-Agach village. After crossing the pass 2690m final point is a geothermal source – «Dzhumalinskie Kluchi»(Djumalinskie hot spring). This source is a local Relic and possesses salutary properties, it is not investigated yet by scientists, and its curative properties, are based on local people's Belief in power of the father - Altai. Swiming. Accommodation in tents.
Duration of the passages is 5-6 hours, 160 km.



Crossing one of the most difficult pass in this area with the highest point (2919m above sea level) - the Warm Key Pass. It’s main place of interest of this point of a route. You will see amazing panoramas of the Sajljugem rigde and all Ukok Plateau. Accommodation in tents.
Duration of the passages is 5-6 hours, 70 km.

Tent BLD

We’ll pass many valleys, rivers and lakes on the way in these days. First we visit amazing plush Samaha Steppe and along the Ak-Alaha river will reach Kara-Alaha river.  From here we’re going to discover Bertek tract, Scythian burial mounds and burial place of the Altai Princess. Accommodation in tents near Ak-Alaha and Kalguti rivers. National Russian wet sauna at evening time.

Tent BLD
5 Visit to famous petroglyphs place – Kizil Tash. Most of pictures are Pazyryk culture Stone Age 1000 BC (Skify time). Amazing panorama of the majestic ridgeTaban-Bogda-Ola ridge, situated on the territories of Russia, China and Mongolia.   Tent  
6 Transfer Ukok Plateu - The Warm Key Pass - Djumalinskie hot spring (swimming). Accommodation in tents near Tarhati bank river .
Duration of the passages is 5-6 hours, 70 km.
Tent BLD
7 Descent via Chuiskiy valley to Kuraiskaya steppe. Great view to snow peaks  of North-Chuiskiy ridge. Now we go to the east direction for visit one of the deepest lakes of the world-Telckoe Lake. In Aktash village we turn to Red Gates Way where will find beautiful highland lakes and after Balyktuul village we’ll make 40 km off-road trip through the Paziric valley to the Katu-Yaryc Pass. Descended from the Pass, we find ourselves in the magic Wind Land – the valley of Chulyshman River - a big canyon with more than 130 km length. This is the homeland of the wind Phoen – the warm strong wind which creates unimaginable landscape and unique climate of this region. Accommodation in tents.
Duration of the passages is 7-8 hours, 120 km.
Tent BLD
8 Today we will have whole day hiking to the Chulchinskiy waterfall, also known as the waterfall Uchar. The waterfall is a huge cascade of powerful streams of water. Its height above 160 meters. The path to the waterfall is about 8km one way, but it's worth it. Return to the camp, dinner, and wet Russian sauna. Tent BLD
9 Transfer to the south of Lake Teletskoye. The road goes through the picturesque canyon of Chulyshman river, on the way stops a lot of photograph. Perfect views of the nearest Bashkaus river canyon. At afternoon arrival to the Refuges place on the shore of Lake Teletskoye. Day of rest on the refuge. Tent BLD
10 Transfer to Artibash village by boat: Teletskoye Lake - Altyn-Kol (Golden Lake) – Artibash village - Barnaul city. Transfer to Barnaul. Accommodating in Hotel Central, DBL rooms. Duration of the passages is 12 hours, (70-boat, 420-auto) km.
Duration of the passages is 12 hours, (70-boat, 420-auto) km.
hotel Central
11 Transfer to the airport.   B

Quotation includes:

  • All necessary transfers required for carrying out the trip;
  • Expeditionary Maintenance: guide, cook;
  • Meals according with the program;
  • Necessary formality (visa support, passport registration, permits);
  • Rent of the boat in Teleckoe Lake;
  • Accommodation according with the program;
  • Bath, 3 times.

Organizer provides (included in price):

  • sleeping bag;
  • 2- persons tents;
  • Heat-insulating mat;
  • Storm jacket;
  • Group Tent (10-15 persons),gas stove and dishes;
  • Satellite communications «Iridium».
  • Not included in price:

  • Flight to / from Barnaul;
  • The use of satellite communications;
  • Unexpected preliminary evacuation cost;
  • Insurance;
  • Personal expenses, alcohol;
  • Visa costs.
  • Weather Conditions:

    June-July-August is a good time for visit. Weather is stable and sunny. Daytime temperatures on the track +18+24˚C and +6 +8˚C in the night. The temperature at the altitude of 2,000m in the night may drop to zero or minus temperature.


    The expedition will be led by experienced guides. But do not forget about individual physical shape. Help with daily bivouac works would be an asset. Food is cooked on a fire and a gas stove. Given the mountainous area, you must first consult with your doctor. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is obligatory. Expedition part of the program is implicit neglect of comfort.

    Attention: For visiting of Ukok plateau region (border zone) you will need to file a documents for permits not less than 3 months before visit.

    See also:

    Altay, skitour in Aktru, 10 days
    Altay, skitour in Siberia, 10 days
    Altay, climbing to Mt. Belukha, 4506m , 13 days
    Altay, trekking to Mt.Belukha, 13days
    Altay, trekking and climbing in Ukok Plateau, 15days
    Climbing on Berelskoe saddle
    mt.Belukha view
    Eclipse in the Altai mountains 2008
    Eclipse in the Altai mountains 2008
    To see the album


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